What is the Reimaru Files?
We are a site that is basically all about gaming; from news about the gaming industry, trends of the popular gaming peripherals up to the reviews of the newest games, we got everything covered to cater to your gaming needs. And aside from video games, we also tackle the latest tech gadgets, talking about the new mecha series or toys and covering some of the biggest tech & pop culture conventions from both local and international. Our goal is to enlighten and inform the community on the plus side of the geek culture through our content in both written and video formats.
Our History
Originally created as a fan blog for the MMORPG Granado Espada last 2007. After moving on from the game, Reimaru Files began making features on PlayStation Portable games in 2008 as a pastime, and then expanded to different gaming consoles the year after. Then in 2011, it was finally launched as a bona fide gaming website that caters to all gamers and geeks alike.
Site Improvements
The site was initially hosted on Blogspot, Google’s blog publishing platform. Realizing the need to establish a separate identity as a brand, Reimaru Files has now moved from Blogspot to a self-hosted server by Sakura Index Network, which has, in turn, followed through to become Cyne Creative. Reimaru Files is also the founding partner of the Media Index Group, which aims to provide a wide spectrum of content across different topics, fandom, and media. As of 2020, Reimaru Files has updated to a new theme, complete with a new focus on content!
Since starting from a one-man team in producing content, Reimaru Files is now composed of:
The Content Team
Chad is the founder of The Reimaru Files all the way back in the old Blogspot days. He once worked as a Game Master, Game Analyst, Game Tester, Marketing honcho and Product Manager in the MMO gaming industry for six years and has been involved in the esports and gaming event industry for six years. He is in charge of handling event coverage of geek conventions and making video content for Reimaru Files, he also does some of the game and tech reviews as well as some editorial discussion. You can contact Chad at chad@reimarufiles.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/reimaru
A young fellow who loves open world video games, action RPGs and FPS games. He’s also immersed in the field of esports, covering competitions and providing live commentaries. He is also in charge of providing mecha-related news on his weekly Mecha Fridays feature. Aside from writing and helping in coverage of events, he also trains a future mech pilot, talks to himself and enjoys munchies. You can contact Louis at louis.andres@reimarufiles.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ldtandres
A legendary tito gamer, Allen is in charge of the gaming content for Team RF as the resident game critic and weeb. His love for his hobbies (waifus) brought him into writing more on about gaming. You can catch him doing in-depth gaming reviews and helms the RF Talk podcast series where he discusses some big topics from the geek culture. You can contact Allen at allen.silva@reimarufiles.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lentropy/
The Website Team
Technical. Creative. Primary content guy and designer for http://sakuraindex.jp . Founder of SEI Guild. Formerly known as GM Persona during a brief stint in IP E-Games.
Currently, Alex manages the backend of the Media Index Group, along with the design, planning, and development. Also provides photography backup in case a big event comes up. Uses an old Nikon D3100, a trusty pal for almost a decade. Contact Alex at alex@reimarufiles.com or dc@sei.moe
Personal Website: https://sei.moe
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SaiAlter
Krisel has been writing game guides, anime and game reviews, and random quirks for more than five years. Started out as a volunteer game correspondent for an online gaming publisher, she has written gaming articles, handled live and in-game events, patch content information, and the like, and has shared it with fellow gamers through blogs and community forums. Krisel is currently working as a Lead Game Master for an American gaming company, and has been hopping in from one hobby to another: online and console gaming, anime, manga, web design, and writing. Also writing for Sakura Index as a contributor. Knows Japanese, Korean (reading Hangul, at the very least), English, Filipino and Symphonian. Will write articles for good food.
Twitter: @difergion
The Contributors
Having experienced game development on many levels locally, Ryan hopes to offer perspectives on video games from the people that make them. Ryan enjoys a good drink, guns, super sentai and music from Love Live! Has a soft spot for local indie projects and Carly Rae Jepsen.
Jill is into playing video games, photography and eating. She helps out the RF coverage Team in making video coverage as a host and interviewer, she also contributes some write ups for product launch events. You can find her at Arkadymac.com as the Editor-in-Chief.