by Asia | Jul 26, 2016 | Events, Gaming, Geek Talk, Movies, News, Videos
As the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con comes to a close, here are more sneak peeks and trailers for all fans out there: 1) Continuing our previous SDCC post, Gal Gadot uploaded in her Twitter account a first look at the poster of her upcoming movie ‘Wonder...
by Asia | Jul 24, 2016 | Anime, Cosplay, Events, Gaming, Geek Talk, Movies, News, Videos
In case you haven’t been browsing the internet the past few days or is not be into this kind of fandom, it’s still impossible not to wind of any news about this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, the biggest pop culture and geek convention in the...
by Contributor | Jul 13, 2016 | Gaming, Press Release
More stuff will be explained on the new content for Overwatch, World of Warcraft: Legion and more. Blizzard Entertainment has released a trailer for Harbingers, a new World of Warcraft: Legion animated series about the followers of Illidan Stormrage. The first full...