I was able to get my hands on Samsung’s new tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1), soon to be sold here in the Philippines later this 2011.
So far, I could say here is that it runs on Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) and it has a smooth UI and a responsive on-screen keyboard. The camera’s a bit sloppy, and the video recording mode sluggish. Internal storage is at a lovely 14.5GB (minus the installed default apps). Still needed the time in using it since it’s not mine (I’m just borrowing it in the office lol). I’ll post a detailed hands-on review later.
For now, you could sneak a peek at it with the few photos below– which are blurred—my camera seems to have acted up at this moment.
Yep… it isn’t for sale… at the moment.
This one’s with Google Mail opened. You could see at the left column there’s the mail categories, while at the right there’s the mail list. Tap on one of those and you’ll open its contents. Labels are also implemented, which makes managing your mail in the pad easier than in the other ‘droids.