Whenever you are looking for products online, be sure to check if the product they are selling are actually genuine and not bootlegs. Razer, one of the top brands in PC gaming peripherals was not exempted in the list of pirated products. Click on more to find out.
Some may not know, but aside from selling gaming mice and keyboards, Razer also sells gaming gears such as laptop sling bags, keyboard bags, laptop sleeves and apparels like t-shirts and caps. These ranges from $12 (PhP 550) to $80 ($3500) and despite the high price tag, you’ll get the best quality products of your money’s worth, or if you are lucky, you can opt to search on the internet for a much cheaper bargain.
Upon digging deeper on the internet, I found some forums that are based in Indonesia and Malaysia that sell fake Razer bags and accessories and these are price 50 to 70 percent cheaper than the original. Although some ads already specified that they sell fake or replica versions of the products, it still doesn’t hurt if you know how to distinguish which one is real and which one is not. From the first look of the fake products you can identify it easily especially in the printing of the design. Here’s a comparison image of the original Razer Messenger Bag and the fake version.
This is the fake Razer bag, it may look similar to the real Razer Messenger Bag, the body is a bit square-shaped and smaller, it has two bag buckles on each side of the strap and also the shoulder bag pad is smaller.
And this is the original Razer Messenger Bag (there are actually two versions of the Messenger Bag; the Sling edition and the Shoulder edition, the image shows the Sling edition by the way). The overall design has rounded edges. It has two bag buckles on the opening and one on on the strap, the shoulder bag pad is bigger and it has a clamp on the other side of the strap for adjusting the length. Also the size of the bag is bigger than the fake one.
Razer gears such as these messenger bags are not available in the retails stores in the Philippines, so in some cases you need to purchase it online. But in case you found somewhere in the mall that sells these gears in a much cheaper price, always put a grain of salt into it, chances are it might be fake.
Now how to avoid buying the fake products
1. Check the seller – When buying products, be sure to check if it is one of the official distributors and retailers. When buying online, be sure that the seller has a good reputation and transaction records, if the seller has a lot of negative feedbacks, better find another one.
2. Research – Be sure to research on what you are buying, from the appearance up to the materials used in manufacturing the product, don’t forget to check the specifications of the product as well. Don’t forget to check the Suggested Retail Price so you’ll an idea on the actual price value of the product that you are looking for. The price is very important, if they are selling it a lot cheaper than the original pric
3. Check before purchasing – Once you have some reference on the stuff that you are going to buy and you are one step on owning that item, it’s time to double check the actual thing. Be sure to check every nook and cranny for anything suspicious. If you feel that something is not right with the product, you can always back out from the transaction. This is very important especially when buying online and doing a meet-up for the transaction as there are certain times that the seller issues no warranty for the item.
I hope this little guide can help you out, nothing is more worse than getting scammed.
Don’t forget to check our Razer Orcha review in the future, until next time…