It seems that Hideo Kojima is hinting something again on his Twitter account.
He tweeted yesterday morning of this picture, he only mentioned that he is checking this out. Another interesting thing here when Kotaku posted some info that was posted at the Korean Game Rating Board, it shows “Metal Gear Solid The Legacy Collection” being registered and it is slated for the PlayStation 3.
Looking at the hinted image, we see Solid Snake (with his MGS1, 2 and 4 versions) and Big Boss (for Peace Walker and MGS 3 variations) which makes it possible that all 5 games will be in the said collection. Also seeing the MGS1 version with a new rendering model could possibly mean that the MGS1 game could be given an HD treatment and this could be from the PSone version and not the Gamecube ‘The Twin Snakes’ version.
We are still not sure if the other games (Portable Ops and the Metal Gear Acid series) will be included in the collection, it is also possible that this will be only for the PlayStation 3 as Metal Gear Solid 4 was only released for the PS3.
We will give you an update once there will be new info regarding to the Metal Gear Solid The Legacy Collection