NVIDIA to Launch the First Live PC Modding Competition

Written by Louis

September 8, 2014


Just a few days ago NVIDIA announced Game24, dubbed as the Global Celebration of PC Gaming, a holiday for PC gamers and PC gaming enthusiasts alike which will be full of events, possible giveaways and of course PC Gaming, but what more can complete a PC Gaming Celebration without one of the factors that make PCs extravagantly great: PC Modding.

It’s the first of its kind in PC histoty, Mod24, NVIDIA’s PC Modding Competition will not only be a display competition of rigs but rather, invites PC Modding teams to actually build the PC of their preference using the components that they get to choose live on a physical venue. To be held at the NVIDIA HQ in Sunny Santa Clara California, Mod24 will invite 3 PC Modding Teams, each with 2 members, in a challenge to build the most impressive GeForce GTX Gaming PC, with the winners to be chosen by a select panel of industry experts and celebrity judges.

The champions of this 24-hour live event will get to take home tons of high-end hardware, plus other prizes, in lieu of this event NVIDIA will also be choosing 3 lucky live stream viewers that will get to take home each of the custom built PCs that are designed by the competitors themselves. The competition will commence this coming September 18, 2014, at 6:00 PM PDT altogether with NVIDIA’s Game24 (September 19, 2014, 9:00 AM in PH Time).

As what NVIDIA states, this will be the gaming event that you don’t want to miss, and if you are a true PC gamer, you would never ever pass this chance of a lifetime to be part of the world’s first PC Gaming Holiday.

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