With all the excitement for the newest entries in the Pokemon franchise, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, many players decided they just could not wait to begin their newest journey, so they took matters into their own hands. Piracy. And Nintendo wasn’t happy.
Earlier last week, files from the new game started being sent around the internet, and a fully complete retail version of the game, at that. Players were able to access multiplayer and online features, even. And a few of these players took advantage of these features to battle or trade with friends. That seems to be the big mistake of many pirates, as they made it perfectly clear to Nintendo which players were playing a game they, really, really shouldn’t be able to access yet.
Nintendo banned the players’ Nintendo Network ID Accounts (NNID) that are bound to their 3DS, preventing them from going online or accessing things like the Nintendo 3DS eShop. It’s currently unknown if this bans that same account from similar features on a Wii U, however.
Many of the pirates are downright outraged at Nintendo for banning them, and their cries can be heard across the internet.
For those interested in playing Pokemon Sun and Moon legitimately, the game will be released around the world this Friday the 18th, and on the 23rd in Europe.