Nintendo Never Fails to Surprise Us with Their Nintendo Direct E3 2019 Edition

Written by Chad

June 12, 2019

We give the rundown on what were revealed during the Nintendo Direct presentation.

And…looks like Nintendo wins E3 2019 with their awesome line of announcements in the 40+ minute-long video presentation. Along with it was the debut of Doug Bowser on Nintendo Direct as President and CEO of Nintendo of America, though it’s a brief appearance, it could signal that he could be making more presence in future Nintendo Direct videos. But enough with that and let’s breakdown what games were announced for the Nintendo Switch.

Two DLC characters for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The Hero from Dragon Quest XI make its debut in Smash as a DLC character, and with other heroes from the Dragon Quest series as echo fighters. Plus, Banjo-Kazooie making a big return to a Nintendo console as a DLC fighter. Both will be available for purchase this Fall.

New titles and sequels from famous franchises

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics will be a tactical RPG based on the popular Dark Crystal franchise that will also be having an upcoming Netflix series. It will be available sometime after the launch of the series on August 30.

The classic Sega Saturn fantasy shooter franchise Panzer Dragoon is getting a remake for the Switch, expect to see it later in Winter.

Contra is back with Contra: Rogue Corps, featuring new characters and breaking away from the classic sidescrolling setup with a isometric 3rd person shooter gameplay. It will be out in September 24.

John Romero’s Empire of Sin will be heading to the Switch as well, the game lets you organize your own crime syndicate in the 1920 Chicago. It will be available on Spring 2020.

Travis Touchdown is back with a new game, No More Heroes 3 promises more weirdness and action-pack mayhem as it launches sometime in 2020.

Trials of Mana, or widely known as Seiken Densetsu 3 will be getting a remake, in an almost similar treatment with Secret of Mana but could feature a different combat mechanic. It will be available next year.

And finally, just out of nowhere, a sequel for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was announced with a teaser cinematic, it is currently in the works and no release date was mentioned.

Classics and Bestselling games on your Switch

CD Projekt Red revealed that The Witcher 3 is heading to the Switch. The Complete Edition will include all the DLCs and expansions in a single package, expect to see the game in action later in 2019.

Aside from the new Contra game, the Contra Anniversary Collection will also be heading to the Switch. The collection includes Contra, Super Contra, Super C, and Operation C; Contra 3: The Alien Wars, Contra: Hard Corps, Probotector and Super Probotector: Alien Rebels, it is now available at the Nintendo eShop.

The classic Mana games will be making its return with The Collection of Mana. Featuring Final Fantasy Adventure (Seiken Densetsu 1), Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3). The compilation is available today.

New updates from upcoming games

Luigi’s Mansion 3 features new gadgets to help Luigi in catching ghosts, and an 8-player cooperative mode was revealed where you team up with other players in completing levels in a haunted skyscraper.

Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition will feature expanded story, more rideable monsters and the ability to speed up your battles. You will be able to travel back to classic Dragon Quest games with matching 16-bit visuals. The game will be out on September 27.

We finally get a gameplay video for Animal Crossing along with the official title. Animal Crossing: New Horizons puts you in a deserted island where you build your home from scratch and you still get to meet new people on the island. The game will be delayed from its initial 2019 release date and will be available on March 20, 2020.

We get to see new scenes and mechs in a brand new trailer of Daemon X Machina. After its previous demo release, it now showcased new scenes and more fast-paced battles. The game will be out in September 13, 2019.

A new gameplay trailer for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order featured more characters including monster-hunter Elsa Bloodstone. A DLC Expansion Pass was also announced where you can get more characters from Marvel Knights, X-Men and Fantastic Four. You will be able to play the game on July 19.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening remake features more gameplay footage that features unique mechanics such as fishing and sidescrolling scenes and even a dungeon editor. The game launches on September 20, 2019.

There are also new trailers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses (July 26), Astral Chain (August 30), Cadence of Hyrule (June 13) and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (November).

With all these announcements, it’s probably another win for Nintendo at E3 and more win for the gamers this year and the next with tons of new titles coming out for the Nintendo Switch.

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