Steam version MONSTER HUNTER RISE just released its latest trailer, showing gameplay with a new feature called Filters.
When applying filters such as Black & White, Sepia, Japanese-style and Warring Lands-style, players can enjoy hunting under atmospheres that are different from the usual. Customize your own MONSTER HUNTER RISE world with this function exclusive to the Steam version!
New Feature: Filters
Apply filters to the whole screen, though the filers feature will be disabled under certain situations, including cutscenes. Turn on Filters in Advanced Graphics Settings under Display options (default setting is off), when you want to play, take photos or videos with different visual styles.
Apply filters to both screen and sounds, as if it is a classic movie.
Available content at release
When Monster Hunter Rise launches on Steam, it will include all of the content up to Ver.3.6.1 of the Nintendo Switch version. The Steam version will soon sync with the content from the Nintendo Switch version at the end of February 2022.
Please note that the game does not support cross-platform play or cross-saves with the Nintendo Switch version.
Below are some of the content players be able to enjoy when the game launches
Event Quests
- 39 Event Quests (up to December 17 update) and 7 Challenge Quests (up to December 24 update)
Event Collaborations
- Okami
- The Street Fighter series
- Mega Man series
- Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection
- Sonic the Hedgehog
More Monsters and New Ending
- Chameleos
- Teostra
- Kushala Daora
- Bazelgeuse
- Narwa the Allmother
- Crimson Glow Valstrax
- Apex Rathalos
- Apex Diablos
- Apex Zinogre
Massive Expansion for MHRise
MONSTER HUNTER RISE: SUNBREAK, a Massive Expansion of MONSTER HUNTER RISE, will launch on Steam in Summer 2022!
New stories, quest rank, locales and monsters, as well as new hunting action will be added to the game