First released in 2010, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, the masterpiece mystery adventure game from the mind of Ace Attorney’s Shu Takumi, has made a long-awaited comeback on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam!
The enthralling tale of death, life, and lost memories will return in Summer of 2023 with beautiful high-resolution graphics and all-new features to enhance gameplay.
A Fan Favorite Remastered with Stunning Graphics and Smoother Gameplay
- Higher Resolution, Better Frame Rates, More Languages
Apart from graphics resolution and frame rates having been improved to be compatible with modern devices, the user interface has also been consolidated into one screen for more comfortable gameplay. The game also now comes in 9 languages, including the newly-added Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), and Korean.
- Enjoy Ghost Trick Art & Music in the Collection
Introducing the new Collection feature, which contains the artwork and music you’ve encountered while playing. You can find any artwork and music you’ve already seen or heard in the game via the in-game menu. Immerse yourself in the world of Ghost Trick with never-before-seen concept art or by overlaying music on different scenes.
- Sliding Ghost Puzzles and Electrifying Challenges
The popular Ghost Puzzles from the smartphone version have also returned. Switch around the tiles to form scenes from the game! New “Challenges” have also been added, which you can complete by meeting special conditions. Boast your achievements by clearing all chapters, preventing any death in certain moments, and more!
Use “Ghost” and “Trick” Powers to Change Fate
As the recently deceased protagonist Sissel, use your powers of the dead to unravel the mystery behind your murder.
Possess and manipulate objects to open a path toward the truth!
- Ghost
Sissel can look at objects via the Ghost World and possess them with his soul. Time is frozen in the Ghost World, which only the souls of the dead can see. Move your soul to a shining blue object core to possess it!
- Trick
Possessed objects can be manipulated in the land of the living with Trick.
With your ghostly powers, you can even ring a bicycle bell and catch the attention of the hitman chasing Lynne. Manipulate objects and change the fate of the living!