PLAYISM is proud to announce a collaboration between Fight Crab 2, the sequel to Fight Crab developed by Calappa Games, and El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron by crim Co., Ltd.!
Additional content has been added to Fight Crab 2 for the collaboration.
Enoch and the Arch have arrived in the world of Fight Crab 2 as the representatives of El Shaddai!
Enoch is a young man who was chosen by God for his strong, pure heart despite being only human, and now he has been chosen to be a crab rider. Ride atop the best crab you have with the new Enoch avatar and face off against other crabs.
The Arch, a holy weapon forged from crystalline heavenly knowledge, is a two-handed weapon that can now be wielded by your crabs. Unlike other weapons, the Arch doesn’t break, but the more you use it, the more corrupted it gets, which lowers its attack. Purify the Arch to make it shine with holy light and return to its original strength! What’s more, you can use a special input to unleash a powerful beam attack when your crab is powered up!
Fight Crab 2 x STARNAUT
Fight Crab 2 will also be collaborating with crim Co., Ltd.’s newest title STARNAUT as a part of the collaboration! The crustacean cuties will be added to STARNAUT on November 9—the full release date! Please stay tuned for more details!