Fighting games are probably one of the genres I ended up investing a lot of time in during high school and college. I thought that maybe I could have a bit more time to try to practice my combos and matchups again when the world decided to lock up, but that turned out...
The Last of Us Part 2: The 7 Year Itch – Did Naughty Dog Fail Us?
The Last of Us Part 2 since its release a few weeks ago is now one of the most controversial games of all time. The goodwill left by the first installment which was deemed an unequivocal masterpiece is unlike any other game, skyrocketing Naughty Dog’s already...
Epic Games: Making The Right Moves?
Epic Games: Making The Right Moves? Epic Games has been one of the most important pillars of the video gaming industry. Their Unreal Engine powers many classics and mainstays such as Gears of War, Deus Ex, Bioshock, Tom Clancy Games, The Batman Arkham series, to...
Guilty Gear Strive CBT – The Good, The Bad, The Lobby
So the closed beta came and went and I was one of the happy fanboys to get a ticket to the CBT. So how did it play out? Do I agree with the comments from twitter and reddit? Maybe I do agree with some but disagree with others, here’s my thoughts on the what ArcSys had...
Where in the Blue Heck is Tekken for the Nintendo Switch?
Jump Force was just announced for the Nintendo Switch. Whoop dee doo. For fans and enthusiasts in the know, Jump Force was one of the bigger releases of 2019 and brings you all of the anime action with the ultimate crossover roster bigger than the Avengers cast. More...
Lessons Learned From Playing Two Point Hospital and Watching a Pandemic
Two Point Hospital is primarily a business management game with the theme of running a hospital. Considering how I covered that game during the time a pandemic had basically taken over our day to day and our news feeds, you can bet that I actually have a bit more to...
E3 2019: My Thoughts and Biggest Takeaways
The big reveals of E3 2019 has come and gone and I suppose we’re a little behind but here’s our take on all the twists and turns that this most anticipated event has shown us. We decided to let the marketing hype settle\ and collect our thoughts a little better, this...
The Epic Case of Epic Games Store: Does it deserve a chance?
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Epic Games Store. The company behind the one of the most popular games in the world, Fortnite, has changed the landscape of PC gaming at least for the near year or so. Fortnite has taken the world by storm and is probably the...
SSSS.Gridman – Trigger’s Back!
I really enjoyed Gridman because of how much it adapted the original material in a flashy and creative way, but this strength may not bode well for younger audiences. It's a toy commercial half the time which I didn't mind, and on top of that a story about learning to...
High Score Girl – A Love Letter to Childhood Gaming
If you’re a fan of anime, there’s a chance you play games as well, and that lead producers to making anime linking the two. That’s given us series like Pokemon, .Hack, Sword Art: Online, Log Horizon and the like. Most shows that tried to mix video games in there by...