Originally known as Dragonica Online, Dragon Saga is an MMORPG from Gravity Interactive with side scrolling gameplay in 3D. The main advantage with its 3D side scrolling is you’re actually going to have more movement options...
Articles by Author
Top 12 Anime of 2012
The supposed apocalyptic year of 2012 has gone by, and it would never be complete yet without listing the top happenings of the year. A lot of anime series has graced our screens and we are here to show our Top 12 Anime of 2012. 12. Kids on the Slope Directed...
Ragnarok Online II: Legend of the Second OBT
Gravity Co., Ltd, the video game corporation famous for the massively successful Ragnarok Online, has opened its doors for the sequel Ragnarok II: Legend of the Second. The OBT has been officially launched on December 27th at 3pm (GMT+8), but with a mass crowd – and...