by Chad | Oct 20, 2011 | MMO, News
Lets party rock this October because STEPS Evolution will give you a wonderful gaming experience even before the Halloween and the yuletide season comes! We are proud to announce our latest expansion the ”Fortune Race”. In this update you...
by Chad | Sep 30, 2011 | MMO
Last year in iDate, two players became so popular for being the 1st female and 1st male to reached Level 50. These players are ~EXO~Yuna<3HugS and ~EXO~VCM~Sheen*, noticed that they are from the same clan, and that makes Exoduz Family clan are so...
by Chad | Jun 6, 2011 | MMO
Cubizone Philippines has just posted some details on the newest patch of their rhythm casual game Steps Evolution. The new expansion is entitled Overture and boasts to have the most sought after update ever for the casual game. Overture will include a...