Let’s temper some expectations regarding Like A Dragon: Ishin. First of all, it’s not a new game. It was originally released in 2014. A time people were transitioning between PS3 and PS4. Only it never sailed outside of the Japanese market, meaning it was never...
The Games That Made FF7 Remake
During my review, I stated that the Final Fantasy 7 Remake is basically the best of Square Enix in one package, and I actually mean that quite literally. If you’ve been following Square Enix through and the games they’ve made through the years, you can tell that...
Final Fantasy VII Remake Review: The Best of Square Enix in One Package
How long would you be willing to wait to have a promise kept? A week? A year? How about five? Seems long? Well, turns out a fanbase can be really, really patient. Back in 2015, Square Enix made an announcement to the public that they were going to remake that pretty...
Code Vein Review: An Anime ‘Souls-Like’ That Has Earned My Respect
People have a tendency to attempt to replicate something that’s been proven to be pretty successful, and there’s nothing really wrong with that so long as you stay away from being a complete copy-cat. We see the same thing happening with the Soulsborne series, and...
How Sekiro Changes the Formula (and some tips!)
It’s been a few good weeks since Sekiro came out and the way it’s been received has been rather interesting. We have people demanding that there should be an easier mode while we have an opposing side completely against the idea. We have people who believe this...
Kingdom Hearts 3 Review: Some Parts Greater Than the Whole
Having played the first two installments of Kingdom Hearts, it’s third installment was something I was excited to finally pick up, I wasn’t at all bothered about the time it took to finally arrive. Quickly downloading the game into my PS4, I was ready to greet my old...
Jump Force Review: A “Fighting Game” in Sheep’s Clothing
There are things that you’d think would look good together but ultimately don’t end well. Like a game of Monopoly and some of your competitive friends, what you may have pictured as a fun time slowly spirals into arguments on with a rulebook and collusion against that...
God Eater 3 Review: Incrementally Improved, but is That Enough?
If you were ever the designated techie of the house, you probably had to fix or upgrade the house computer at some point. Maintaining it to make sure it runs smoothly, maybe attaching a new upgrade, or maybe replacing parts that are worn out. It works just fine for...
God Eater 3 Impressions: So Far, Pretty Good.
Games within the Monster Hunter genre are going to be difficult to do quickly because of how games of this nature rely strongly on repetitive grinding, and making said grinding feel like something you want to do. But with the game soon coming out in a few days, I...
10 JRPGs That You Should Play: 2019 Edition
It’s 2019 and boy are we excited to try out new games. And one of our favorite genres to finish is roleplaying game, specifically Japanese Roleplaying Games, well you know, the usual anime-styled characters with deep ‘plots’, impressive combat system and epic...