by Contributor | Mar 4, 2017 | Gaming, Press Release
Now you can play it on your Android devices. Boomzap Entertainment has released their latest patch update for Legends of Callasia that provided some balance tweaks to the game, and another great news is that the game is also heading to the Android devices, so you can...
by Louis | Feb 16, 2016 | Gaming, PC
Time to test out Boomzap’s newest RTS. After months of beta testing, the innovative RTS title by Boomzap Entertainment, formerly Legends of Fire and Steel, now Legends of Callasia is now live via Steam Early Access. Currently on Free to play as a Demon, Legends...
by Louis | Nov 6, 2015 | Gaming, Mobile
Boomzap Entertainment comes up with yet another unique twist to its upcoming mobile title. Monster Roller is Boomzap Entertainment’s newest addition to its mobile title lineup featuring a lot of turn-based action. While following your basic your-turn-my-turn...